The Alaska Golds

The Alaska Golds
A rare shot of all of us together in 2001


The Hiking Schnauzer

Saturday, November 20, 2010

High Dynamic Range Pic of Cologne's Dom

An experiment combining three separate exposures into one using the free program, "FDRTools". Assuming you can properly get the images aligned, this will allow you to get an image that has a greater dynamic range than an ordinary camera can produce... Essentially, an image that is closer to what the eye can see... Notice, no greatly over or under exposed areas in the picture (the stained glass at the front of the Dom was highly over-exposed in the original photo, with the remainder of the Dom highly under-exposed).

Monday, August 16, 2010

A Very Berry Day

The sun finally came out, after a record number of rain-days in Anchorage... Hatcher Pass had tons of blueberries and other nice flowers!

Blue Flowers (bad to eat!)

Fireweed (good for jelly!)

And Blueberries (great to eat...yum)

Lots of red fingers, too...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Alaska Dragon

Just paying a visit on a warm Summer day.